Understanding Egg hunting Tutorial 1 – Hello World! Let’s hunting with Eggs Welcome to the module where we will debate about an advanced technique in the exploit development lifecycle. This is a step where you move slightly up in the field of security testing by means of using key concepts of the language of machine. However it is strongly believed that the overall concepts in exploit development can not be delivered in a single course and you have to keep learning more and more until you quite understand this type of work! What we are talking about? Egg-hunters, wow delicious name or at least it sounds delicious for people who love to eat eggs. Ah, anyhow, this is basically the name of a concept or a technique which is used in advanced exploit development. What is egghunter? Before we start discussing the concept of egghunter we would like your attention to be focused on shell code. If you have a good understanding of a shell code then understanding the underlyin...