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Showing posts from March, 2016

Advanced Exploitation Techniques - Part 2

Understanding Egg hunting  Tutorial 1 – Hello World! Let’s hunting with Eggs Welcome to the module where we will debate about an advanced technique in the exploit development lifecycle. This is a step where you move slightly up in the field of security testing by means of using key concepts of the language of machine. However it is strongly believed that the overall concepts in exploit development can not be delivered in a single course and you have to keep learning more and more until you quite understand this type of work! What we are talking about? Egg-hunters, wow delicious name or at least it sounds delicious for people who love to eat eggs. Ah, anyhow, this is basically the name of a concept or a technique which is used in advanced exploit development. What is egghunter? Before we start discussing the concept of egghunter we would like your attention to be focused on shell code. If you have a good understanding of a shell code then understanding the underlyin...

Advanced Exploitation Techniques - Part 1

Deep Diving into Buffer Overflows The plain and simple definition of a buffer is space or a memory location to store a set of characters. Since this is a logical space inside the physical memory, when it is not sanitized appropriately, experienced programmers can easily tweak the code to overflow these memory locations. Consider the below diagram. In the above tabular diagram, what we can see is the array of type character is defined and considering this program doesn’t sanitize any input, hence it can overflow if more data is pushed into the array which is outside the capacity of the defined array size.  When this happens it will first fill the character array and then will overwrite the saved pointer and return address as shown below. The above representation shows a simple concept of how a buffer overflows and what goes into memory once the buffer space overflows. Buffer Overflows & Vulnerability Triggering A buffer overflow is basically ...

Haking On Demand_WireShark - Part 8

Content-Based Intrusion Detection System Nobody ever broke into a bank’s IT system by cracking a user’s password. It’s not costeffective to waste computer time on such a pursuit, for the sake of the few thousand dollars that may, or may not be in the user’s account. It’s far more cost-effective to persuade the bank to let you have access to its database, via a back door. Then, you have access to all of the bank’s resources, for the expenditure of a minimum of effort, and without even having to understand how the authentication system works. On the other side of fence, when your company’s product actually is that bank’s authentication system, and which it describes as ‘Uncrackable’, you have to expect this to be like a red rag to a bull, as far as the world’s hackers are concerned. Every day, dozens of them try to break the algorithm, but none ever succeed, so there is some excuse for the complacency which ensues. However, you soon notice that, for every front door attack, the...