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Showing posts from April, 2016

Advanced Exploitation Techniques - Part 4

Case Studies on Advanced Exploitation Techniques  Tutorial 1 – Hello world, some history Welcome again, so far we have been studying and hacking into systems by exploiting the discovered vulnerabilities. Here in this module we will be going through different studies, which have been put together as advanced techniques so that we can grab more knowledge in exploit development and the peripherals of this field. Some History Buffer overflow exploits are extremely dangerous if they have been successfully exploited and the attacker is making a good use of the exploited vulnerability. A long time back, somewhere around 1988, there was a Worm! So far, it is considered to be first worm since it gained so much media coverage and popularity just because of its effects, and it was written by a student that caused damage of approximately hundreds million dollars. We have been exploring enough on egg hunters and we have also gone through the exploitation techniques, like buffer...

Advanced Exploitation Techniques - Part 3

Walkthrough of Egg hunting with known vulnerability Tutorial 1 – Boiling the Egg Welcome to the third module of this advanced exploitation technique course. So far we have gone through discussing buffer overflows in depth, how egg hunters work and the core concepts on both of these topics. In this module we will be mainly focused on presenting how you can use egg hunters practically in an exploit code when you run short of memory space for your larger shell code. Where to practice? In the previous module we have shown how the “” command is used to generate egg hunter code. However, we haven’t gone far from the initial stage which generates the need for egg hunters. While spending more time on Ability FTP Server and Bison FTP Server, I realized that we will be able to get egg hunter working for both applications so I decided to go with Ability Server itself as we used that earlier in our workshop as well for explaining buffer overflows and it’s ...