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Showing posts from February, 2020

SQL Injection Part -4

NoSQL Injection     Continuing from module 3, and the analysis of other Injection methods, let’s examine NoSQL and how to perform injection attacks to it. The term NoSQL is used to refer to various data stores that break from standard relational database architectures. NoSQL data stores represent data using key/value mappings and do not rely on a fixed schema such as a conventional database table. Keys and values can be arbitrarily defined, and the format of the value generally is not relevant to the data store. A further feature of key/value storage is that a value may be a data structure itself, allowing hierarchical storage, unlike the flat data structure inside a database schema.      NoSQL advocates claim this has several advantages, mainly in handling very large data sets, where the data store’s hierarchical structure can be optimized exactly as required to reduce the overhead in retrieving data sets. In these instances, a conventional database may require...

SQL Injection Part -3

SQL Injection Encoding and Evasion Techniques       So far, we have seen many advanced attacks for SQL Injection that may be lethal for our database. These attacks will many times be possible but they may not seem to be able to be executed. This is a result of some safety methods (which we will examine in module 4) that filter our input. To bypass these restrictions, let’s examine some of the most famous ways.  URL Encoding     URLs are permitted to contain only the printable characters in the US-ASCII character set — that is, those whose ASCII code is in the range 0x20 to 0x7e, inclusive. Furthermore, several characters within this range are restricted because they have special meaning within the URL scheme itself or within the HTTP protocol.   The URL-encoding scheme is used to encode any problematic characters within the extended ASCII character set so that they can be safely transported over HTTP. The URL-encoded form of any characte...