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Showing posts from May, 2020

Database Hacking Part - 2

SQL Statements with Injection Techniques Tutorial 1 – Introduction to SQL Statements    Welcome to module two of this workshop. In this module, we will learn more about SQL Statements and how we can use them to hack into databases by injecting the SQL queries which we want to execute. Firstly we should understand the core of SQL statements, which should include types of SQL Statements, and how they are executed and when we need which statement.    There are many SQL statements, in fact tons of statements, which you can run and this all depends on what you want to achieve by executing those statements. However, there are a few statements that are mandatory, or required, statements by all types of applications that work with backend databases of any kind.    In this module we will first understand what are SQL statements and how SQL Injection works. We will also execute known SQL Injection attacks to understand and practice the SQL Injections. What is SQL Sta...

Database Hacking Part - 1

Understanding Database Core Concepts (DCC) Tutorial 1 - Hello World! Let’s UDCC   We welcome you to the course of “database hacking”. Generally speaking, if you want to audit anything or you want to perform analysis on any object or any system then it is understood that you are a subject matter expert of that object or system and that is why you have been asked to do such analysis.    Similarly, without any doubts, the same goes for IT Security or you can include ethical hacking and penetration testing. Now a question that may come to mind is “why”?    You cannot hack into any system or application or any server until and unless you have enough knowledge and experience in such a system, application or server. And this is the basic, as well as the mandatory, requirement for security researchers or ethical hackers.    An expert ethical hacker or penetration tester has enough experience in all types of known and commonly used technologies and this covers ...