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Showing posts from May, 2014

Wireless Hacking - Part11

Firmware emulation What is emulation? Let’s understand the meaning of emulation in simple words. Suppose you get a firmware file (bin/img) from any source, like their official website, and you want to run the firmware file, i.e. img/bin file. How can you run it? There are two ways:     1. Hardware Emulation – In this, you get a hardware device, like a router, and you upload the              firmware file onto the router and interact with the firmware via an interface. The issue with this          method is you always need a hardware device to run the firmware.     2. Software Emulation – In this, we use software instead of hardware. The software mounts the            firmware and you interact with the firmware. The biggest advantage using this method is you             don’t need any hardware and you can run as much as firmware you w...

Wireless Hacking - Part10

SYSTEM HARDENING TOOLS AND TIPS Improve system security using simple hardening principles and measures In the tug of war between attacker and defenders, defenders need to secure the complete attack surface. In general, the attack surface is comprised of all possible entry points for an attacker. While the defenders or your system administrators need to mitigate every single existing attack vector, the attackers need to find just one single unprotected vector. Applications usually come with their default settings and these settings include things like default username /password, making for a default unsecure configuration. If an administrator does not change these configurations, criminals would be able to easily compromise the application. By implementing system hardening, one can improve the effectiveness of protection & detection mechanism in multifold. The old saying, prevention is better than cure is not only applicable to humans but also on the systems. What you wi...