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Showing posts from November, 2014

Hacking - Best OF Reverse Engineering - Part12

How to Defeat Code Obfuscation While Reverse Engineering Introduction Obfuscation, or code distortion, is found in binaries where the programmer wanted to hide the original code. The programmer might be working for a major company that does not want their source code stolen. The programmer might also be a malware author who is attempting to make the malware binary appear legitimate. Either way, it is common practice in the malware and legitimate software industries to employ obfuscation techniques. In this article, you will learn about various methods involved in breaking open the code and revealing the chewy center where the legitimate code resides. It will discuss how to deal with packed binaries and how to extract obfuscated data directly from memory. Unpacking Packer algorithms are employed in order to distort the code of a compiled binary. A packing application takes the algorithm, runs the data of the binary through it, and attaches a decryption routine to the binary. The...

Hacking - Best OF Reverse Engineering - Part11

How to Identify and Bypass Anti-reversing Techniques Learn the anti-reversing techniques used by malware authors to thwart the detection and analysis of their precious malware. Find out about the premier shareware debugging tool Ollydbg and how it can help you bypass these anti-reversing techniques. This article aims to look at anti-reversing techniques used in the wild. These are tricks used by malware authors to stop or impede reverse engineers from analysing their files. As an entry level article we will look at: • Setting up a safe analysis environment • Ollydbg an X86 debugger • Basic techniques like;     • Verification of dropped location     • Anti-debugger     • Obfuscation of strings     • Hiding APIs     • Anti-Virtualisation We will look at the code as written by the malware authors in C++. We will compare this code to the debugger code in Ollydbg. Ollydbg is the x86 debugger of choice for reverse engine...