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Exploiting Software Haking_DEFENSE PATTERN - Part 2

Intel SMEP
overview and bypass on Windows 8

This paper provides an overview of a new hardware security feature introduced by Intel and covers its support on Windows 8. Among the other common features it complicates vulnerability exploitation on a target system. But if these features are not properly configured all of them may become useless. This paper demonstrates a security flaw on x86 version of Windows 8 leading to a bypass of the SMEP security feature.

With a new generation of Intel processors based on the Ivy Bridge architecture a new security feature has been introduced. It is called SMEP which stands for “Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention”. Basically it prevents execution of a code located on a user-mode page at a CPL = 0. From an attacker’s point of view this feature significantly complicates an exploitation of kernel-mode vulnerabilities because there’s just no place for a shellcode to be stored. Usually while exploiting some kernel-mode vulnerability an attacker would allocate a special user-mode buffer with a shellcode and then trigger vulnerability gaining control of the execution flow and overriding it to
execute prepared buffer contents. So if an attacker is unable to execute his shellcode, the whole
attack is meaningless. Of course, there are some other techniques like return-oriented programming
available to exploit vulnerabilities with effective payload. But there are also certain cases when the
execution environment allows bypassing the security features when it is not properly configured.
Let’s take a closer look to this technology and its software support by Windows 8 operating system
which introduces SMEP support.

Hardware support of SMEP

This section includes an overview of SMEP hardware support. SMEP is a part of a page-level protection mechanism.In fact it uses the already existing flag of a page-table entry – the U/S flag (User/Supervisor flag, bit 2). This flag indicates whether a page is a user-mode page, or a kernel-mode. The page’s owner flag defines if this page can be accessed, that is, if a page belongs to the OS kernel which is executed in a supervisor mode, it can’t be accessed from a user-mode application.

SMEP is enabled or disabled via CR4 control register (bit 20). It slightly modifies the influence
of the U/S flag. Whenever the supervisor attempts to execute a code located on a page with the U
value of this flag, indicating that this is a usermode page, a page fault is generated by the hardware
due to the violation of an access right (the access rights are described in Volume 3, chapter
4.6 [1]).
As you can see, it doesn’t generate #GP but #PF instead, so the software has to process SMEP
mechanism violation in a page-fault handler. We’ll use this point later when analyzing software support of this mechanism.

Software support of SMEP

SMEP support can be detected via the “cpuid” instruction. As stated in [1] the result of a “cpuid” level 7 (sublevel 0) query indicates whether the processor supports SMEP feature – the 7th bit of the
EBX register has to be tested for that.
The x64 version of Windows 8 checks SMEP feature presence during the initialization of boot
structures, filling in the “KeFeatureBits” variable:

KiSystemStartup() → KiInitializeBootStructures() →

The same is done on x86 version of Windows 8:

KiSystemStartup() → KiInitializeKernel() →

The variable “KeFeatureBits” is then used in handling a page fault. If SMEP is supported on the current processor, it is enabled. On the x86 version it is enabled also during the startup, at phase 1 in the KiInitMachineDependent() function, and later it is initialized per processor core issuing an IPI which eventually calls KiConfigureDynamicProcessor() function. The same happens on the x64 OS
version except of the fact that there is no KiInitMachineDependent() function.
So, we have SMEP enabled and “KeFeature- Bits” initialized at system startup. The other part
of software feature support is a code of the page fault handler. A new shim function has been added
in Windows 8 – MI_CHECK_KERNEL_NOEXECUTE_ FAULT(). The access fault due to SMEP or NX violation is performed inside it. The result of SMEP or NX violations is a bugcheck and a blue screen of death with a code ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY:

KiTrap0E()/KiPageFault() → MmAccessFault() → … →

The previously mentioned function is implemented in Windows 8 only.

The way to bypass SMEP on Windows and its mitigation

It is natural to conclude that if you can’t store your shellcode in the user-mode, you have to find a way to store it somewhere in the kernel space. The most obvious solution is using windows objects
such as WinAPI (Events, Timers, Sections etc) or GDI (Brushes, DCs etc). They are accessed indirectly from the user-mode via WinAPI that uses system calls. The point is that the object body is
kept in the kernel and somehow some object fields can be modified from the user-mode, so an attacker can transfer the needed shellcode bytes from the user-mode memory to the kernel-mode.
It is also obvious that an attacker needs to know where the used object’s body is located in the
kernel. For that, certain information disclosure is needed. As we remember a user-mode application
is unable to read kernel-mode memory. Certain source of information about the kernel space
is available in Windows [2].
So it is theoretically possible to bypass SMEP on Windows due to the kernel space information disclosure. But SMEP is backed up by the fact that kernel pools where the objects are kept are now
protected with NX flag (not executable) in Windows 8.
A number of WinAPI and GDI objects have been tested for being suitable to serve as a shellcode
delivery tool. WinAPI objects are stored in the paged or the non-paged pool. GDI objects are stored in the paged session pool. All of them happen to be non-executable now. Moreover, according to the
results of scanning page tables, there is a miserable number of pages used from executable pools.
All data buffers are now non-executable. Most of the executable (f.e. driver images) pages are not

The flaw

As mentioned above, all of the objects in Windows 8 are now kept in non-executable pools. It is true
for x64 version of Windows 8, and partially true for x86 version of Windows 8. The flaw is the paged
session pool. It is marked as executable on the x86 version of Windows 8. So a suitable GDI object
can be used to store the shellcode in a kernel memory.
The most convenient object for this purpose is a GDI palette object. It is created with CreatePalette() fuction and a supplied LOGPALETTE structure. This structure contains an array of
PALETTEENTRY structures that define the color and usage of each entry in the logical palette [5].
The point is that there is no parameter validation for this palette unlike the other GDI functions that
create various objects. An attacker can store any colors he wants in his palette. So he can also store
any shellcode bytes there. The kernel address of palette object can be revealed through the shared
GDI handle table. The contents of the palette are stored within some offset (0x54 in our case). It is
not nessesary to know this offset for sure because the shellcode can be stored somewhere in the
middle of spreaded NOP instructions. A schematic view of SMEP bypass is presented on Figure 1.

A palette object provides enough space to store a big shellcode. But in fact all an attacker needs is
to disable SMEP. It can be easily done by reseting 20th bit of CR4 control register and then he’ll be
able to execute a shellcode stored in a user-mode memory without a size limit.
Of course, there are some limitations when using paged session pool. Firstly, it is paged, so we need to consider IRQL when exploiting a certain kernel-mode vulnerability. Secondly, the session pool is mapped per user session, so we also have to consider the current session when exploiting
kernel-mode vulnerability. And thirdly, in a multiprocessor environment control registers
are duplicated per core, so an attacker has to use thread affinity to disable SMEP on a certain processor core.

Other SMEP bypassing attack vectors

As mentioned before, return-oriented programming can be succesfully used to bypass SMEP security
feature due to the fact that this way doesn’t neccesarily have to store a custom shellcode, it
uses pieces of a code that already exists somewhere in the kernel memory. A way to build a suitable
ROP chain is demonstrated below.
There are two steps in bypassing SMEP using ROP – firstly, we’ll need to find out the value of
CR4 register, and secondly, we’ll need a way to set a new value of CR4 register. The first step is
needed because we have to preserve the original value of the other CR4 bits. The point is that
various bits of this register are responsible for enabling or disabling certain processor features.
The OS enables those features only once during the system startup and they are not supposed to
be modified in a runtime. Modifying various bits of CR4 register can lead to undefined behavior or a
system crash.
The preliminary requirement of a successful attack on SMEP is making the shellcode (or a ROP
chain in our case) dynamic, that is, all of the needed code offsets have to be calculated in a runtime.
For this, a certain kernel-mode information disclosure is needed, e.g. when determining the base
address of a module with ROP gadgets [2]. A code for parsing PE file format is also needed to ensure
that the found gadgets are located in the executable section of the exploited module.
There are two approaches that can be used for getting the value of CR4 register. The first one is
using a ROP chain. There is a suitable function Ki SaveInitialProcessorControlState() present in
the “ntoskrnl” module. The body of this function is provided Listing 1.
As we can see, this function can be successfully used for retrieving various interesting information
about the processor control state. It is also not guarded with stack cookies and uses volatile registers
RAX and RCX. That’s grand!
We can fill in the values of RAX and RCX registers with another ROP gadgets just like at the end
of the HvlEndSystemInterrupt() function shown in Listing 2.
The problem of this method is that it depends mostly on the situation. There are certain cases
when it is difficult to restore the original control flow of the exploiting program. In our case, we also
need to reset the 20th bit of CR4 value, but there is no suitable ROP gadget that can be found in
the “ntoskrnl” module for that, so some user mode code has to be executed which is impossible due
to the fact that SMEP is still enabled. However, you can look for a suitable ROP gadget in other loaded modules in a runtime.
The other approach is to emulate the initialization of CR4 register. Most of the bits in CR4 can be set
or reset with the help of “cpuid” instruction which defines supported features for the current processor. This method is more convenient although less reliable.
The second step of bypassing SMEP is using a gadget that will set the new CR4 register value.
For that KiConfigureDynamicProcessor() function can be used (Listing 3).

Once SMEP is disabled, we can jump to the user- mode buffer with a shellcode. Luckily, there is
no stack cookie security feature in the exploited ROP gadgets. Here goes out an obvious mitigation:
adding a stack cookie security feature to the functions with ROP gadgets could significantly
complicate SMEP bypassing using a ROP chain.
There is also an opportunity of using custom OEM drivers which are not aware of using NXcompatible kernel pools. There could be a situation when the information about the used executable data buffers can be obtained with a help of dynamic code analysis, which brings us to the
same concept as we have reviewed above.


In this paper we have reviewed the functioning of SMEP and its software support in Windows 8. We
also have shown how it can be bypassed in certain cases because of a Windows kernel address
space information disclosure and partial applying of security features. Still, the way SMEP is implemented in the x64 version of Windows 8 happens to be more secure, but not so secure if you know what mean.

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