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Showing posts from April, 2019

Exploit Development Windows Part - 2

Setting up the Lab Environment  Introduction   In order to achieve our objective, we need a test environment where we can keep testing until we reach the end results. To achieve this, let’s first select the vulnerable application and set up our lab for research. Lab Setup • Downloading & Installing Virtual Box • Installing Windows XP as a Virtual Machine • Downloading Vulnerable Application from Exploit-DB • Downloading and Installing Immunity Debugger & • Metasploit Framework (pre-installed with Kali) Step 1: Downloading & Installing Virtual Box Download Link:   Select & download the binary, as per your operating system requirement, in my case I will be installing the VirtualBox-4.3.12-93733-OSX from the above download link as shown below. Double click the icon as shown in step 1 in above figure.  Continue to install by clicking the continue button. Begin in...

Exploit Development Windows Part - 1

Exploit Development Windows  Introduction            In the field of ethical hacking, or penetration testing, exploit development forms the core of these fields, however, not every hacker or security professional is sound in exploit development. What usually happens is security professionals and so-called hackers use the exploits, which are developed by the security researchers and available on the Internet and are just a Google search away. Prerequisites       Exploit development requires the thorough understanding of assembly language and how it works on different platforms and different operating systems.      You also need to be a good programmer or, at a minimum, you understand the programming logic and can write your own code in any of the object-oriented programming languages.         Exploiting software requires hands...