What you should know to Advance your Database Hacking Skills Tutorial 1 – Knowledge Base Welcome to the fourth and last module of this workshop. The purpose of this module is to help all level of students, including people from the beginner level, to build the knowledge base in order to achieve a set level where they can gain further experience by means of setting up their own virtual home lab. This will be a short and quick module, as we need to present the setup of the virtual lab as well as methods of hacking into databases by means of tools, which doesn’t take much time, Ahan. In the beginning of the workshop we focused on two database servers, if you can recall, Microsoft SQL Server and MYSQL Server. However, so far we were practicing on MS SQL Server. There is a big difference in these two servers from their own architecture standpoint, however, SQL Statements remains the same and there is not much difference. However, the default view...